Upon my arrival at
McDonald's I peered in the window to see if Serena was working and thankfully
she was. I entered
and when she saw me she lit up and beamed at me. I beamed back.
She asked me what I wanted (sotto voce, of course) and I told her that
anything would do. She soon handed me a couple of Big Mac's, a huge
quantity of french fries, and a soda large enough to replenish the Rillito
River!!!! I proceeded to devour the food as it had been early morning
when I had last eaten so I was pretty ravenous. During my meal, she
came over to sit with me and she showed me a picture of her little girl
who was about six months old. She told me that she missed the infant
terribly but would soon be re-united with her when she had to leave the
group home she was staying in. I made the appropriate responses and
we parted company for the day with promises to see each other again soon.
I was pretty tired
at this point, so I wandered back up to the bus stop and sat down to rest
No one was around
so I decided it had been a pretty full day and opted for sleep. Little
did I know at this point that
this would be my last night in my particular location.
I awakened at an
early hour, around 5 AM, and looked around carefully before scrambling
out of my lair. Like
airplane flights, a homeless person has two very dangerous moments in using
his spot -- (equivalent to takeoffs
and landings) entry and exit. If u can get in sight unseen, u will
probably be ok for the evening provided u don't get carried away and make
too much noise. The exit can be a little trickier due to being done
in daylight. At both times u really have to watch what you are doing.
As I made my way
out of the spot, I went to sit down on the bus stop bench to comb my hair,
tie my shoes, and generally
get ready to face the new day. As I was doing this, I felt a presence
behind me and turned to look directly into the face of one of the meanest
looking police officers I had ever seen!!!
-- at this juncture I would like to make a statement about prejudice.
In no way do I condone nor support any type of prejudice- be it racial,
ethnic, religious, etc. However, any man who claims to be totally
without prejudice is either a liar or a fool. Since I consider myself
neither of those, I must admit to having just one prejudice- and it's a
big one!!! I CAN'T STAND SECURITY OFFICERS!!!!!!!!! This does
not include the police, who I feel have an extremely difficult job to do,
nor any other member of a BONA FIDE law enforcement agency. This
is directed solely at those individuals who don a uniform, grab a tin badge
and a whistle, and are ready to fight crime at a moments notice!!! In other
words, the cop wannabes who for one reason or another cannot become a real
cop (usually due to a mental or physical deficiency- emphasis here on MENTAL)
but who "think" that by wearing some sort of uniform and being assigned
to guard a soda machine all night that they are somehow fighting crime!!!
And by this I don't mean the poor old retiree who takes a security job
at Wal-Mart because his wife died or because his pension is not enough
to live on- those people usually need these jobs and are relatively
benign. No, I am speaking of the kinds of people who suffer from
what I was brought up to believe in as "the Wyatt Earp Syndrome"
This terrible affliction is characterized by delusions of grandeur, the
adoption of a swaggering gait (no doubt trying to emulate their childhood
heroes) and the mistaken belief that they and only they can put an end
to crime as we know it.
If you think I came
upon this prejudice easily, you are wrong!!! All my adult life I
have dealt with these types in industry,
schools, public places, etc. and my conclusion is that I have never met
one of these people who was not a FUCKING IDIOT!!!!! Each and every
one believe that they should carry a gun (heaven forbid!!!!) and have full
police powers.
"Waiting for a bus,
boy?" was his greeting. Since he and I were about the same age I
kinda resented him calling me "boy".
"Yeah" was my reply,
so startled was I by his sudden appearance it was all I could muster at
that point and I was
convinced, momentarily, that he had seen me exiting my lair. He hadn't,
of course, but I believe he had his suspicions.
He then launched
into a tirade about homeless people hanging around bus stops and falling
down drunk and all the other clichés that homeless people fall victim
to, his voice rising octave by octave and his face getting redder and redder
with each word that I feared (hoped, actually) that he would have a myocardial
infarction on the spot!!!! As he continued his harangue, I began
to take in the various parts of his uniform. Festooned with a lot
of shiny badge-like things and what appeared to be campaign ribbons on
his chest and shoulders, along with massive sets of stripes on each arm
he was quite an imposing sight. Perched at a jaunty angle on his somewhat
smallish head (containing an equally smallish brain, I'm sure) was
the most ridiculous looking Smokey-the-Bear hat I had ever seen. On his
belt there hung a dazzling array of all the latest in crime fighting tools,
a mag-lite, a cell phone, a few pens in holsters (ah, they love those holsters)
a whistle (tres mandatory - these guys like to make noise).
Then it struck me,
with all the splendid raiment and the apocalyptic voice, the fucker had
NO GUN!!!!!! Aha, a voice in my head said, here we have the quintessential
security guard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turns out, as I later discovered, he was the CHIEF of the quasi-military
U of A SECURITY Force!!
WooHOO!!!! (It should be noted here that Tucson has many layers of police:
the Tucson Police Department, the University of Arizona Police Department
(who are full-fledged police officers but whose jurisdiction covers the
campus areas), the Community Service Officers (young men and women, co-opted
by the police to become "little policemen" who are suffering from juvenile
onset Wyatt Earp Syndrome) and so on, down to the aforementioned U of A
Security Force- "the few, the brave, the stalwart!!!")
"And I will have
none of that on MY WATCH" he thundered!!!!!! This last was delivered
with a resounding clap
of his hands. While he was carrying on like a crazed lunatic I couldn't
help but hear the theme song to the WYATT EARP TV show of my youth (you
have to be in your mid fifties or so to remember this show, or be lucky
enough to have TV LAND on your cable service).
Wyatt Earp, Wyatt Earp,
Brave, courageous and bold
Long live his name and long live his glory
And long may his story be told
In any event, as
he stormed off presumably to look for other nefarious lawbreakers, one
thing became perfectly clear
to me - my spot was now off limits as I was convinced he would be
in the area the next few mornings just looking for me. (Much more on the
subject of "Smokies" later folks. These dudes are just such a pathetic
joke they need more ink. Stay tuned!!)
With a sigh of resignation
and a little anger, I headed for McDonalds for some coffee and solace.
I bought a breakfast
sandwich and a coffee and sat in front at one of the little tables to enjoy
this repast and to think of what I might do for the next night as far as
sleeping arrangements were concerned.
After breakfast,
I headed for the corner to await the news agent's arrival with my daily
fix of newspapers.
I spied Jay sitting on the cement wall in front of the hotel on the corner
where the papers would be dropped and related my experience with the Smoky.
(I immediately dubbed all the U of A security guards with this appellation
and it has since been adopted by so many other homeless people in the area
that it has almost become a cliché.) Jay told me not to worry, that
I could join him at his spot for the evening and I was immediately relieved,
thinking that, for one more night at least, I had a place to crash.
The day passed relatively
uneventfully, with me selling papers, chatting with my customers and
pedestrians, and
just generally living the good life.
As darkness fell,
Jay re-emerged from wherever Jay had been all day, and we headed for his
Turns out that his
spot was behind the aforementioned Lutheran Services building. The area
had a high fence all around it and a locked gate leading to a patio area
with a few chairs and tables scattered about. Entrance was gained
by reaching over the gate and tripping the lock by hand (so much for not
being able to get in) and voila- we were in. Jay showed me the spot
where I could sleep and explained a few of his rules to me. Number
one rule- no drinking! No problem. Number two- sweep up all
cigarette butts in the morning and dispose of them outside the immediate
area. Number
three- urinate behind a tree and in the morning rinse that particular area
with a handy hose that emerged from the back of the building. Number four-
no loud talking so as not to disturb the neighbors nor give away our presence.
Cool!!!! So far, so good. We chatted for a bit and then I lay
down on the cement, with my backpack for a pillow, and went immediately
into a very deep sleep only to emerge from it when the sun rose at 5 AM.
After my morning
fix of coffee, I rejoined Jay at the Lutheran building and we went in and
took showers and attempted to get a sack lunch (the answer was no- we had
already had been given one for the month and would not be eligible for
another till the next month).
As we headed for
the corner to await the papers we passed the bus stop on the northeast
side of the street and Jay pointed to a middle-aged black gentleman sitting
on the bench. He warned me to be careful of this dude, known as James,
because he hated white people and was a known snitch to the cops.
Duly noted. We made our way past him and went across the street to the
paper drop-off point. In just a few moments both racism and violence
would turn the day upside down for us all!
- As I have previously mentioned I abhor prejudice in any form so
please be
advised that the
following incident is included, with language intact, exactly as it went
down that day. I don't condone the actions or the language, but I am just
reporting the incident to educate you as to the kind of thing that often
happens on the street, although this was my first exposure to it. *** (DISCLAIMER)***
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